Monday, April 30, 2007

Unique "Direct Publishing" locks in your referrals

Free IQ has done many evolutionary things when it comes to affiliate marketing, such as 1-year cookies and SEO-friendly affiliate links. But they've also done some truly Revolutionary things; one of the most significant is "Direct Publishing".

If you have your own web site, and are referring to Free IQ, it is easy to use your affiliate link. But if you have a large site, or multiple sites, it can be all too easy to miss opportunities by inadvertantly leaving out your affiliate link somewhere. Or, you may have many links and content that can get unwieldly to update and manage.

What if... you could somehow just say, "Here's my URL, make sure that I get the referral for anything coming from here" - well, that is exactly what Direct Publishing is. You simply "register" your domain through a quick and painless two-step process, and Voila! anyone coming from anywhere on your domain automatically gets tagged with your name!

You can only do this for domains that you can save a small file to (just your email address on a blank page), and this rules out blogs such as Blogger - which wouldn't be your domain anyhow. But for domains that are yours, this is a wonderful feature!

Here is a short video showing you exactly how to do it. Make sure you do it today - don't risk losing a referral that may become someone else's first!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Getting Started Today

In the first in a series of training events sponsored by Free IQ, Internet Marketing expert Shawn Casey teaches the basics of doing business with Free IQ.

The first call covers:

  • How to make money with Free IQ
  • The best ways to refer people to Free IQ
  • What to do to get started right now!
You will learn details about first and second level referral affiliates as well as first and second level content affiliates, and how you earn from all of them.

After this call you will understand the importance of building value with great content as your number one goal with Free IQ right now, as well as how that increases the chance for you to generate leads and Free IQ referrals.

Shawn will introduce his own personal series of help videos which he has produced for you and explain how those will help you get ahead of the curve today, as well as the various ways for you to invite people to the site.

And lastly, you'll understand the importance of the various kinds of feedback you can provide as we, collectively, work to improve this beta version of Free IQ.

Click here to listen to the call.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Planet FreeIQ, a resource for all things FreeIQ, will have it's initial launch on May 1st. If you have a blog or Web site relating to FreeIQ, you can be listed at Planet FreeIQ for free.

Send me the URL and any description you'd like, and I will include it in the initial 'launch'. You can send it to me at:

There will be a section for Author pages (your free "home page" at FreeIQ); if you don't have a blog or site, or it isn't up yet, or even if you do, send me your Author page URL and it will get listed as well. If you would like to write an article, you'll get a link in there as well.

This is a great opportunity for good exposure. Think of it as free advertising and backlink!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Video the "Old-Fashioned Way"

One of the fundamental functions of FreeIQ is content hosting - free content hosting to be precise - and using this hosted content as a marketing tool. We've already discussed the value of "Moving the free line" by making as much quality content available as possible.

Of course, selling content is another of the underlying concepts of FreeIQ. Regardless, the message is: content is king (yep, that's me; I coined that one...!) The "content" for our purposes is primarily video, audio, and PDF's. We spoke a little about PDFs, and we'll be re-visiting that topic often. Today however, I want to begin focusing more on video. In an earlier post I mentioned "screen-capture" videos using Camtasia. But what about regular, "old-fashioned" video?

Video is one of the most powerful of all mediums. It's TV. And it used to be a fairly involved proposition. Well we know we can now easily create videos by narrating screen activity. But lets not overlook the power of regular video.

If you don't already have video, it is a simple matter to create quality content. You can set up an inexpensive camcorder or digicam on a tripod and go. Some possibilities include videotaping a sales presentation, a training session, or a product demonstration.

Once you have the raw footage, it is now a simple matter to create quality content. One company, MuVee, makes a nifty product, AutoProducer, that takes care of making you look good. Along with the mechanics of cutting or editing,and converting between formats, AutoProducer comes with a zillion templates that give you a polished, professionally produced video with almost no effort. You simply select the template style, add titles, captions, and voice-over narration as desired, and upload it to FreeIQ. Now you have Quality Content!

AutoProducer is priced at$129, and there is even a "lite" version, suitable for most applications, for $49. Best of all, both versions have download-able free trials - now thats moving the free line!

My advice: you can't start building your content library soon enough!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

FreeIQ Team Recognizes FreeIQ Marketing Blog

The "Official Team Blog" at FreeIQ has recognized FreeIQ Marketing with a mention in their Blog Watch!

FreeIQ continues to get traction and pick up steam. If you haven't already signed up as an Affiliate, DO NOT WAIT! One of the many clever innovations is using the FreeIQ URL for affiliate links; you simply choose anything you want and it becomes your link. So "" might be your link to the affiliate sign-up page, or "" might be the link you distribute sending people to the home page - and everyone who follows that link is tagged as yours for a full year!

Since you can only use something that isn't taken already, you don't want to wait; the best ones go quickly. "" for instance, is already gone - that's my link to the New Accounts page!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Content as Marketing - Using PDF's

Earlier I talked about "Moving the Free line", meaning giving away more to attract more business. Now I'm not talking about giving away your primary products, I'm talking about enhancing your marketing, increasing your reach, widening your funnel, relationship-building, and differentiation. "Free Samples" work, even if they aren't product samples. Basically, the more you free value you offer, the better off you are all around.

And since FreeIQ will host your free content for free, why not take advantage of the opportunity? While you don't want to tarnish your image with trash, there is no doubt you have LOADS of valuable content that would improve your prospecting and marketing efforts.

Adobe invented the PDF (Portable Document Format) as a way to make documents portable between computers, OS's, applications, and printers. Since nearly every computer already has a PDF reader or plug-in, you can distribute any type of text & graphics document: text, spreadsheet, slide presentation, etc. And making PDF's is a breeze - many programs can save directly to PDF, and in not, there are freely-available PDF converters available every word processor, spreadsheet, slide-show program, drawing & drafting software - you get the point.

Take a look at Template Zone - they have terrific templates that you can literally paste your stuff into, and it spits out beautiful, professional-looking PDF's ready for upload. Their software is inexpensive and has over 500 ready-made templates for everything from single-page flyers to entire manuals.

So gather your material - your white papers, product reviews, seminar scripts, marketing brochures, customer testimonials, spec sheets, product documentation, instructional material, competitive benefit reports - and convert them to PDF's. Then upload them to FreeIQ. You can group them by product, topic, purpose; now you've begun to Turbo-Charge your marketing!

Planet FreeIQ => Pre-launch!

Planet FreeIQ is now up in pre-launch! Living at, Planet FreeIQ will be a resource for all things FreeIQ - blogs, Web sites, forums, etc. It will provide current, frequently updated listings, as well as articles, interviews, and more!

If you have a blog, Web site, forum, or anything else related to FreeIQ, email them at: for inclusion on the site.

The launch is scheduled for May 1st. We'll keep you posted on Planet FreeIQ; as they say, "It's a Big planet, someone's got to organize it" - good luck, guys!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Signing Up Affiliates

One of the (many!) brilliant aspects of FreeIQ is it's Affiliate setup. They looked at all the affiliate programs out there (their background is IN affiliate marketing), made a list of all the things affiliate programs did WRONG, then did it RIGHT!

There are two key considerations regarding affiliate marketing: getting paid for passing sales to a merchant, and developing sub-affiliates. FreeIQ really shines here. They listed all the ways it was done wrong i.e. short-term cookies, lost commissions, one-time sales, single-tier program, etc. Then they did the opposite.

When you sign-up as an affiliate, you don't have to worry, you are tracked for a FULL YEAR! The system then lets you pick your own links, for example, that you use to sign up other affiliates. Those affiliates who sign up using your link are then YOURS FOR A FULL YEAR! I urge you to go to the Affiliate Page and read it - this is how all affiliate programs should be done!

My advice is: Don't wait! Sign up for your account, generate your own affiliate links, and start signing up your own year-long sales force!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Selling Services - Move the "Free" line

If you sell services of any type, consulting, programming, graphic design, psychic - anything, than FreeIQ can be a boon to your business! The concept we're going to discuss is "moving the 'free' line.

What is the "free line"? It's what you'll do for free in order to attract business, win over prospects, upsell existing customers, etc. Examples might include free demonstrations, initial free consultation, free reading, even writing a proposal. You do this to further the sales cycle and build your funnel. The more you can "give away", the more valuable you are providing. So where does FreeIQ come in?

FreeIQ will host your content - video, audio, pdf's, etc. for free, nicely presented on a professional looking page. So you post your 'free' content, and refer prospects, link it to your site, etc.

Now here's the key: Every business knows things that are valuable to their customers. This could be in the form of a training manual, promotional video, white paper, sample work, etc. By uploading your content to FreeIQ, you create and name a page with a legitimate, searchable link such as "". You can point people there, or include your contact info or a link.

Here's the "moving the free line" part: you all have valuable content, why not make it available for free? This has the tremendous synergistic effect of prospecting, pre-selling, rising above competition.

If you think about it, there's probably TONS of stuff: word documents such as sales brochures, white papers, price lists, FAQ's, manuals, etc.

TIP: You can easily convert Microsoft Word documents directly into downloadable pdf's from within Word.

Taped a seminar? A conference call? These make ideal free content. Why not host them on FreeIQ? There's no better sales & prospecting tool!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

FreeIQ - How to actually MAKE MONEY? Part I

An interesting thing happened to me tonight: I did a Google search on FreeIQ blogs. Well, of course I found FreeIQ Marketing. But, I also found quite a few others, and the majority of them all had the same thing: "FreeIQ - it's great, sign up!" But nobody is talking about how to MAKE MONEY with FreeIQ! Well, FreeIQ Marketing is about using FreeIQ to make money. Lets begin with...

Lesson #1 - CONTENT!

This one's easy: Marketing! Ok, well exactly how do I go about it? The main draw of FreeIQ is Content. If you want to use FreeIQ for marketing, you need content. But where does the content come from?

One of the tag lines for FreeIQ is: "Everybody knows something worthwhile". Perhaps the easiest way to use FreeIQ for marketing is to create some content, linked to your site, blog, product page, etc. and post it!

Ok, sounds good, but... I'll answer your question before you ask it: You can create content simply by walking through your stuff on screen, whether it's your web site, PowerPoint presentation, software application, and record the screen while narrating over it! This is your content! Upload it, link it, Wham! Web 2.0 marketing done right!

One of the really cool tools to come along lately is Camtasia (here is a link for a free trial). This nifty program will let you do stuff on your computer and talk through what you're doing while the whole thing is recorded as a Flash video - then simply upload it to FreeIQ (you can upload content here), and you're now miles ahead of the pack! - The NEXT BIG THING - Really!!!

The New World of Internet Marketing!
Welcome to FreeIQ Marketing, the blog for marketing with FreeIQ! First things first:If you don't already have a FreeIQ account, take a moment and Sign-Up right now - it's free!

Internet Marketing Meets Web 2.0
What is FreeIQ? It is nothing less than the evolution of Internet information and marketing! FreeIQ is a Web 2.0 site, search engine, and host for video, audio, pdf, and every other type of information.

Imagine YouTube, but instead of cheesy kid pranks and grainy cel-phone videos, a repository of the highest-quality content, all in one place, search-able, and of course, free. Using a proprietary Ranking System, FreeIQ insures that only the best content floats to the top!

Now think MySpace - but in place of all those horrific MySpace profiles are high-quality, readable "Author Pages". And speaking of Author Pages, grab yours now! For a short while, FreeIQ is literally a "Land Grab"!

Add your own content
FreeIQ will host unlimited Video, Audio, PDFs, and Web Pages. You simply login and upload your content to their servers. It is now avaliable to anyone, anywhere!

Earn Some Cash
One of the brilliant features of FreeIQ is that you can make your content available for purchase - FreeIQ handles all of the payment backend. You simply upload your stuff and set a price. Anyone can visit the site and purchase your content; FreeIQ handles the rest! You can also embed a video from the website into your existing webpage and if someone watches the video and then goes on to buy a product you get paid a nice commission.

Affiliate Marketing
Perhaps the most astounding feature of FreeIQ is that you can refer anyone to the Web site, and get a commission on anything they purchase - your or anyone else's! You simply give them a link to the page and FreeIQ automatically track it. If they purchase anytime within a year, you get paid! Sign-up for the Affiliate Program - it's free and easy!

FreeIQ - The Next Big Thing
Head over to FreeIQ and browse the incredible and vast array of Video, Audio, and PDF files. You will be astonished! It is truly The Next Big Thing!